Wednesday, 26 January 2011

CHICK from Mayki on Vimeo.

this is a video of an animation i looked at on vimeo, i just looked at for inspirational purposes, to get a better idea of how to make my characters flow better, and move more precisley. the general animation is good, i like the use of colour in it, and i really like the characters too.

Friday, 21 January 2011

Leaked Sex Tape Of Celebrity Jeramia The Bear

This is the dream sequence scene of Jeramia the bears dream when hes sleeping on the beach. This was the probably the easiest bit of animation i have done for this current animation. All i really had to do was insert a white background, load up all the characters and put them together, then i put puppet pin tools on the bears arms so i could bend them backwards behind his head so it looked like he was relaxing. After that all it took was adding in a few blinks onto the bear, and getting the walruss to stroke the bears stomach and lick his chest, then move down his body and that was pretty much it, it was all done within about 15 minutes. I may have to add in a few censor bars like, even though you cant see anything its very suggestive.

Thursday, 13 January 2011

Quincy Drops A Coconut On Jeramias Heed!

This is my second scene for my animation. In this scene, yet again jeramia is sleeping peacefully underneath the palm tree, only to be awoken by a falling coconut which Quincy the crab has deviously dropped on his head from above. The most difficult aspects of this scene, for starters was moving Quincy the crab up the tree, trying to get the correct angle and timing it right so that the shadow undeneath him would dissapear in time was difficult but a few attempts fiddling with the rotation and positioning helped solve the dilema. Another issue i was having, was how to correctly move Charlie the monkey down to the ground to pick up the coconut, i needed him to bend and reach down to pick it up, but the keyframes i had currently placed were making certain parts of his body stay still and move backwards when i was trying to bend his body, which just didnt look right, so i had to reposition them and start from scratch, whilst movinf the shadow at the same time, until it looked correct. The blood was something i had changed aswell, to begin with for this scene and the previous scene where the pelican throws up on the bear, i had been using blood i had designed and made myself, but i had found some already animated blood sequence which i decided to replace the original blood with. This looked alot better in my opinion and was less time consuming for animating as it was already done for me.

Monday, 3 January 2011

George And Jeramia

This is a scene from my animation were George the Pelican comes over to Jeramia when hes sleeping, and wakes him up by regurgitating fish all over his face. I also included my new character 'Charlie The Monkey' at this point, who then comes from behind the tree and stabs George all over for waking up Jeramia. The animating in this scene was fairly simple for me, as it consisted mainly of just moving and rotating the odd parts of the characters