Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Star Wars Work Experience

During the last few weeks, me and my friend David Denny were asked to do a small ammount of animation for an illustration company, Keltie Cochrane. The animation basically consisted of animating different aspects of the new star wars book covers. For copyright reasons i unfortunatly cannot display any of the picturesm artwork, or titles of the book. We had to stick with the original artwork, and werent really allowed to change it, however we could add in certain effects and features of our own, aslong as it didnt change the original designs. if i am honest, i was somewhat disapointed with what we actually had to do, there wasnt a great deal they expected from us, and since we were limited to using the original artwork, there was only so much we could do, like move the star fighters across the scene, zooming in and out with the camera, panning through the landscape, and occasionally rotating the odd bits and pieces. This for me made the project a little bit boring, not that i wasnt grateful for the work experience, it was interesting, but i just feel that there was alot more we could of done to the work, and made it look ten times better, if we were allowed to adapt the artwork. All in all it was kind of an interesting project, getting to see the exclusive designs and the star wars books etc, but as far as what we had to do for the animation side, just wasnt enough for me.

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