Friday, 14 May 2010

Melvin Morph Dance 3D

This is a video of my 3D character rigged as best as i could and rendered. i had major problems with the legs and foot roll at the last minute, and the time i had left wasn't enough time to sort the problem out, so to result i ended up having to use a different character to show the walk cycle, and used my character to show the morph tags and movement of arms and legs etc.


In the end i had to use Daves character to animate with and show a walk cycle because my original 3D character had problems with its legs to the point where the time i had left would of been pretty much impossible to complete a walk cycle with the character if i had to repair it as well. So this is my version of an attempted walk cycle using daves 3D character. I wish i had more time because its no were near as good as i would of liked it to be but its a walk cycle and shows movement of the body and arms etc so thats it.

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Melvin Coloured Storyboards

This is my finished neat version of my storyboards for the 3D project, showing what i am hoping to achieve in my animation. Melvin notices wandering shellfish and runs over to them, he goes to pick one up and eats it, he then stamps on the other. And then flicks the other one vigorously!

Monday, 10 May 2010

melvins storyboards (rough) 3

This is the last shot of my rough storyboards. In this shot Melvin picks up a shellfish and throws it off the screen.

Melvins storyboards (rough) 2

This is the second page of my rough storyboards, in these to shots, melvin reaches down for one of the shellfish, then stamps on the other one and kills it. These violent mannerisms are to illustrate Melvins attitude and personality, which isn't very nice at all.

Melvins storyboards (rough)

This is a rough sketch of my storyboards for what i hope to achieve in the animation. In these two shots, melvin is creeping up on the shellfish at the beginning, then grabs one and puts it in his mouth.

Melvin Morph Tags

This is a screen shot of Melvin and some morph tags that i added to him. This is a simple enough process in my opinion. You just go to your characters mesh (cube) in the objects manager, then right click it, go to character tags, go down to morph tag, click that, then get the selection arrow, make sure the points tool is selected. Select all the points you want to morph, then move them into position. After you have done that go back to the attributes manager on the morph tag and click animate. Then there should be a bar which you can move to morph your characters face.

Melvins Background Rendered

This is a screen shot of the finished result of melvins background, with white sky, background and floors, and the appropriate lighting to give him visibility and shadows.

Melvin Lighting

This is a screenshot of Melvin when i was creating his all white background. It mainly consists of adding a sky, background and a floor, then adding a light to show the brightest side if the character and the shadows to go with it.

Melvin Rigged and Binded

This is a screen shot of melvin rigged, controllers coloured and binded. Binding was simple enough, however the weighting process was a little more complicated, i new how to do it, it was just trying to figure out which parts to weight and which parts to leave blank, because to begin with i was just weighting the whole character, and that didnt work at all.

Completed Colour Controls

This is basically just a screenshot of the finished result of the colour controls.

Melvin Colour Controls

This was one of the simplest parts of the rigging in my opinion. All it involves is colouring the controllers to make it more noticeable and easier to use. Red is for the left controls, Blue is for the right, and yellow is for the central controls. You do this by selecting the object and changing its colour in the attributes manager.

Melvin Shoulder RIG

This is a screen shot of Melvins shoulder rig, this was a slightly more complicated part of the rigging. Especially when you had to insert the clavicle joints, which had to be perfectly alligned or they wouldnt work properly. After that was set up, the rest of the process was just doing the IK set up and adding the pole vector, which is a similar set up as the leg rig.